Inventory no.: 3740

Silver Bead Necklace, Northern India, 19th-early 20th century


Silver Bead Necklace

Gujarat, India

19th-early 20th century

length: 56cm, weight: 232g

This dramatic necklace of silver beads of graduated sizes strung on its original black cotton twisted and balled thread is very wearable.

Each faceted bead is of sheet silver over a lac core.

Such beads necklaces were produced in Gujarat.

See Leurquin (2003, p. 231) for a less ornate example with even-sized beads.

The necklace is in a stable, robust condition. There is no damage. Each bead has a fine patina.


Leurquin, A., A World of Necklaces: Africa, Asia, Oceania, America from the Ghysels Collection, Skira, 2003.

Untracht, O.,

Traditional Jewelry of India, Thames & Hudson, 1997.


UK art market

Inventory no.: 3740