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    Congo Woven Rattan Comb

    Teke People, Congo
    19th century

    height: 16.2cm, width: 5.7cm

    Available Enquire


    old, private UK collection.

    This fine example of an early comb from the Teke people of the Congo comprises long wooden teeth held together by rattan finely woven into geometric patterns above a brief border of woven twine.

    A related example is illustrated in van Cutsem (2005,p. 52). Other examples in the Art Institute of Chicago and attributed to the mid- to late-19th century are illustrated in Bickford Berzock & Clarke (2005, p. 152).

    The example here has clear age, a fine patina and the most minimal loss. It is a superb example.


    Bickford Berzock, K. & C. Clarke, Representing Africa in American Art Museums: A Century of Collecting and Display, University of Washington Press, 2010.

    van Cutsem, A., A World of Head Ornaments: Africa, Asia Oceania, America, Skira, 2005.

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